Here are some useful settings, commands and plugins to make VI editor more developer friendy (some settings are there only for PHP users).
You need to add the following settings in .vimrc file in your home directory or alternatively you can add them to /etc/vim/vimrc file, that will enable these settings for all users on the system.
"For highlighting the code add
syntax on
"Show a ruler at the bottom of screen
set ruler
set laststatus=2
"Show matching brackets.
set showmatch
"To do a case insesnitive search.
set ignorecase
"To replace TAB with shift of 4 spaces.
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set expandtab
"Show line numbers.
set number
"Jump 5 lines when running out of the screen
set scrolljump=5
"Indicate jump out of the screen when 3 lines before end of the screen
set scrolloff=3
"Set indentation rules
setlocal autoindent
setlocal smartindent
"Correct indentation after opening a docblock and automatic * on every line
setlocal formatoptions=qroct
"Append ending brackets whenever open a bracket
inoremap [ []
inoremap ( ( )
"Spell Checking
set spell spelllang=en_us
Now use can move to next or previous misspelled word using ]s and [s commands, also you can use following
zg Add word under cursor as good word
z= Suggest corrections for the word under cursor
You need to add the following settings in .vimrc file in your home directory or alternatively you can add them to /etc/vim/vimrc file, that will enable these settings for all users on the system.
"For highlighting the code add
syntax on
"Show a ruler at the bottom of screen
set ruler
set laststatus=2
"Show matching brackets.
set showmatch
"To do a case insesnitive search.
set ignorecase
"To replace TAB with shift of 4 spaces.
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set expandtab
"Show line numbers.
set number
"Jump 5 lines when running out of the screen
set scrolljump=5
"Indicate jump out of the screen when 3 lines before end of the screen
set scrolloff=3
"Set indentation rules
setlocal autoindent
setlocal smartindent
"Correct indentation after opening a docblock and automatic * on every line
setlocal formatoptions=qroct
"Append ending brackets whenever open a bracket
"Spell Checking
set spell spelllang=en_us
Now use can move to next or previous misspelled word using ]s and [s commands, also you can use following
zg Add word under cursor as good word
z= Suggest corrections for the word under cursor
For other posts related to VIM settings and plugins you can also visit
Some useful settings and plugins for VI Editor : Part 2 - Autocompletion
Some useful settings and plugins for VI Editor : Part 3 - PHP documentor
Some useful settings and plugins for VI Editor : Part 4 - CodeSniffer Integration
Some useful settings and plugins for VI Editor : Part 5 - Comment a code block